Definition of sport?

Sport is a word that can have different meaning depending on any form of  physical activity or games that requires skill or effort  and is done for enjoyment and competition.

Example of sport.




Types of sport .

1. Individual sport

Individual sport can include high jump, bullet shooting, javelin, running and etc.

2. Group sport

Group sport can include football, volleyball, basketball and etc.


Why do we play sport?

We play sport because 

1. To stay fit .

2. To keep our body healthy.

3.To loss the weight.

Why sport is important?

 Sport is important because we all human beings expect a healthy life and a healthy life is a key to all happiness. It is only through physical and mental well-being that we can aspire to a healthy life. One of the most effective ways to achieve physical and mental well-being is through sports undoubtedly. 


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